Has any decade filled us with as much nostalgia as the 1980s? The decade that gave us Back To The Future, Karate Kid, and Ghostbusters, the 80s was where today’s current nerd revolution began. While a lot of us can remember certain toys from our childhood, (I mean who could forget the glorious Ghostbusters Fire Station) there are plenty of toys that were forgotten quicker than the Back To the Future cartoon. So for your reading pleasure, we present the toys you forgot about from the decade you’ll never forget.
5. Star Wars Scout Walker Command Tower with Speeder Bike
I know I’ll sound like an old man but I’m going to say it: They don’t make toys like they used to. Seriously, look at this majestic beast. Looks like a Scout walker? Check. Speeder bike swing? Check. Makes all my dreams come true? Check. I’m a grown man with no kids but I’d happily put this in my backyard.
4. Miami Vice Speed City Chase
Miami Vice is what would happen if you had to distill the entire decade of the 80s down to a single TV show. Pastel colors, White blazers, and Tubb’s sweet, sweet Jheri curl. The only thing more 1980s than Miami Vice was electric slot car racers. These things were everywhere and featured branding for practically every 80s franchise. When you pair the quintessential 80s TV show with everyone’s favorite racing toy the result is this…
3. MacGyver Action Figure / Paper Clip Accessory
There are two ways to know you’re a cultural phenomenon. 1. You get your own action figure. 2. Your name becomes a verb. You can bet TV action hero MacGyver checks both of those boxes. In typical 80s style, the MacGyver action figures wouldn’t be complete without a series of ‘accessories’, even if the ‘accessories’ were just a bunch of random office supplies shoved in a plastic bubble and put on cardboard.
(No seriously, look.)
However, we’ve got some bad news for any prospective collectors looking to add these to their shelves, these were only made in Brazil and are EXTREMELY rare. Maybe you can MacGyver a set out of random objects that are laying around?
2. Star Wars Speeder Bike Pedal Car
Part tricycle, part Speeder Bike, all awesome. Made by Huffy in 1984, this insanely rare item was only available by winning a contest and is estimated only a mere 500 were built. If you were lucky enough to win one of these you were the king of the block, no doubt.
1. Back To The Future Part II Battery-Powered Car
I never knew how empty my childhood was without one of these, until this very moment. In 1989 a pint-sized Delorean that you could actually drive was the dream of every kid under 13. Though it was made for mega-retailer Toys “R” Us, we can find next to no info on this wonderful piece of plastic, nor can we find many for sale online. Guess all the kids who owned one went back in time? Shame, ‘cause I’d love to make this my daily driver.
There you have it folks, a healthy dose of nostalgia to get you through the week. Got any toys from the 80s that you loved but we didn’t mention? Send us your thoughts on Twitter and Facebook.